It’s not a secret anymore, it’s official! If you think that styling a blazer is boring and it’s only for…
When we are required to dress “formal”, the white button-down shirt most probably the first fashion piece that pops into…
Jenny Tsang, well-known as @tsangtastic is a social media influencer who is currently living in Los Angeles. Just a quick…
When we think of Malaysia’s local fashion designers, names like “Jimmy Choo” and “Self Portrait” immediately jump top of mind.…
Before we get on to the main point, don’t get me wrong. We are all humans and we love our…
Life is too short for boring hairstyles. To find out which hairstyles suit you best is hard but styling them…
前情提要:编最近撒手砸钱在一件仰慕已久品牌tee,没错!就是tshirt!在买下的瞬间,脑海中出现的却是无限的忧虑担心:「如果白tee领口松掉怎么办?如果材质被洗坏怎么办?」搞得自己焦躁不已,于是集结出一篇造福女孩大众的「衣服保养大法」,不管是心爱的、日常的衣服,透过保养才能寿命长长久久! (也算是一种省钱不要丢一件买一件的好撇步啦) Read More: 18 Minimalist Nail Art Ideas Proving That Less Is More Read More: Ask Team #PopDaily: Makeup Brush Cleaners…
时间咻咻咻来到了八月底,学生党们该收心回归校园生活的时间到了!对编来说,每一次的开学就像是全新的开始,不管是在生活、课业或人际关系上,都是可以与过去的缺失挥别,焕然一新成为更棒的自己,但在最最最表层的我们,也就是「穿搭」,是最直接给人的第一印象!想好好改造自己、听到朋友们的赞美吗?编今天就来帮你一把! Read More:The Best Seller Lipstick Shades You Should Own If You Are Big Fans Of MAC Read More:We Recommend…
亚洲女性平均身高为160公分,158的编编一直以160公分自居,但还是常常被别人识破,并被贴上小矮人的标签……一五几的女孩我们手拉手站出来,矮没什么好丢脸的,身高靠穿搭来拯救!身为小个子的女孩最忌讳看起来五五身,所以不管什么风格,怎么穿都要顾及到身材比例的问题!今天矮人编就要来教大家从视觉上拉高身材,让大家见识我们看似高,其实小不点一枚的反差萌~ Read More:The Newest Way To Wear Lace-Up Sandals, As Told By The Instagram Influencers Read More:7 Fashion Trends You…
Trend report! Wearing a button-up dress is so convenient and comfortable because they require such little effort to look great.…