
Sevillana, the latest Don Papa Rum expression, makes its much-awaited debut in the Philippines

Don Papa Sevillana has finally been unveiled,bringing Spanish influence into a one-of-a-kind, one-off, Filipino rum innovation–setting the global standard for home-grown spirits.

Don Papa Sevillana, the newest, limited-edition rum by the Bleeding Heart Rum Company, made its debut in the Philippines last October 29 in an intimate private dinner held at the Makati Garden Club.

Don Papa’s newest limited edition is a blend of five and fifteen-year-old rums distilled from 100% Negros Island sugar cane molasses. They first are aged in American ex-bourbon barrels for several years. This is then followed by three years in two different types of Spanish casks: Oloroso Sherry casks and Andalusian Vino De Naranja (Orange Wine) casks. These unique Vino de Naranja casks are used to make a local specialty, a popular local Seville orange spirit, enjoyed during the summer months.

Much of its inspiration came from a period in Philippine history—the Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade, which took place between 1565 to 1815. As orange wines were once a status symbol, Don Papa Sevillana pays tribute to not just an economic exchange of revenue and goods between the Philippines and Spain, but the sharing of enriching cultural sensibilities by way of rum. The brand reimagines this historic encounter for modern-day
pundits to better appreciate and keep the memory alive through its newest innovation.

During the launch, guests were welcomed to a spread that mirrored the customary Spanish sharing of tapas and tasting liquor in an intimate dining experience curated by one of Hong Kong’s most talked about culinary creatives, Ferran Tadeo. Tadeo was hand-picked by Don Papa because of his expertise in fusing traditional dishes with contemporary techniques. The result: a gastronomic experience that underlined the flavours that complement the unique taste of Sevillana.

Upon arrival, guests delighted in glasses of Don Papa Sevillana served neat to condition their palates before sinking into Lechon Tagalog.

Local and international personalities came together to experience Don Papa Sevillana for the first time, such as the likes of entrepreneurs Borgy Manotoc and Cat Juan Ledesma,columnists Margaux Salcedo, Nana Ozaeta, and Pepper Teehankee, including Liza Mills, Chad Sotelo, Gail Sotelo, Amado Fores, and Pia Magalona.

Photo1 : Cat Juan Ledesma and Liza Mills Photo 2: Pepper Teehankee, Erica Larkins, and Amado Fores

Nana Ozaeta, Christian Valdes, and Margaux Salcedo

(L-R): Nana Ozaeta, Gail and Chad Sotelo, Julian Rodriguez

Monica Llamas, communication director of the Bleeding Heart Rum Co., Christian Valdes, founder of CMV Txokolat, and Andrew Garcia, co-founder of Don Papa Rum.

Adding to the whole Spanish experience was a flamenco dancer from Clara Ramona & Co.,treating guests with several flamenco dance numbers.

Performer from Clara Ramona & Co.

Trained by Michelin-star chefs Ferran and Albert Adria as well as Chef Sergi Arola, the Barcelona-born culinary prodigy is famous for modernizing otherwise traditional Spanish delicacies.

Chefs Ferran Tadeo and Miguel Ojeda receiving their own bottle of Don Papa Sevillana Cask Finish

Among Chef Ferran’s first dishes was the jamon iberico, a popular cured ham among Spaniards, laid above crispy cheddar frico bits.

Sour cream and caviar are commonly eaten with crackers and toasted bread. Sticking to theme, however, Chef Ferran took the beloved spread and used them in churros.

Sourcing prime ingredients wherever he goes, Chef Ferran transformed the Philippine sea bass as a Spanish-style fish doused in garlic butter, carrot slices, and red pepper.

The Pulpo Gallego hails from Spanish region of Galicia, where octopus is aplenty. This tapa was made more gustatory thanks to the truffle mashed potatoes, celeriac, migas, and paprika.

This take on Spain’s international rice dish (better known as the paella) is mixed with generous servings of lamb and mushroom slices.

Christian Valdes of the acclaimed CMV Txokolate in the Philippines used his passion for marrying atypical ingredients with quality chocolate to hatch South Cotabato dark chocolate truffles infused with Valencia oranges.

Capping off the meal were ever-iconic dessert churros served with two kinds of dip: con chocolat and salted caramel.

Lloyd Misagal, Don Papa Rum brand ambassador, mixed cocktails inspired by the Sevillana. These included the Papa Kingston Negroni, an aromatic bevvy with subtle hints of nut, as well as the Papa Harvey, a tangy yet floral drink that feels velvety on the mouth.

Don Papa Kingston Negroni and the Papa Harvey

Don Papa Sevillana Cask Finish (70cl)
Starts at PHP 3,400

Available in Duty Free, Boozy.ph, and select premium bars and restaurants


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