In case you haven’t gotten the memo, online shopping and Korean fashion have become a phenomenon. Without the big crowds,…
Taobao, owned by Alibaba Group has become the biggest online marketplace in Asia. If you are a constant buyer at…
Getting rid of blackheads is one of the most annoying business. Maybe you’ve tried lots of known products for blackhead…
Check your bag, do you have any MAC lipsticks inside? Or you have a bundle of them? The bullet-inspired…
经过八月盛夏迎来的就是温馨的中秋圆月,不知道大家中秋多久没和家人好友一起,坐在月光底下喝着茶吃着月饼聊一聊旧时光了呢?在这光鲜的城市中,如果同样惋惜中秋团圆的氛围逐渐少去,那就一定不能错过鬼仔巷「城里的月光 Moonlight In The City」中秋活动了! 随着中秋的来临,百川管理将在鬼仔巷装置10尺高的巨型月球和各种应节的灯笼装饰,让整条鬼仔巷在这个9月份弥漫着浓浓的中秋氛围外,也好让身处城市中的我们于夜晚抽空体会这唯美的中秋诗意! 除了超酷炫的打卡点之外,在这期间的每个周末都会安排许多东方艺术活动让大家参与,像是「传统剪纸艺术 」、「冰皮月饼制作」「环保灯笼制作」和「叔叔带你睇金鱼工作坊」等特别有趣的工作坊,相信不管哪个年龄段都会沉溺其中!有兴趣想要发掘更多艺术坊不妨到鬼仔巷的官方网站浏览获取更多资料详情哦! 鬼仔巷「城里的月光 Moonlight In The City」中秋活动将从8月24日开始直到9月15日,而巨型月球和周边灯饰也将于每晚上7点点亮至12点。想要感受中秋氛围的你不妨与家人一同前来看看吧,就算时代在进步也不忘传承之美,波波马来西亚在这边先提前祝大家有个美好又温馨的中秋节咯! Info. 鬼仔巷「城里的月光…
Trend report! When someone mentions “summer shoes”, sandals most probably the first thing that pops into your head. And now,…
Kylie Jenner and her makeup line - Kylie Cosmetics, I’m sure you’ve heard of it. In the year 2015, Kylie…
Having eyelash extensions on are fun. Imagine waking up with “naturally” thick, long and perfectly curled eyelashes, *oh man*. But,…
What first comes to your mind when you think of summer? The scorching sun, sweaty skin or the melted make…
Having presentations in front of your classmates, professors, bosses or colleagues might be a nerve-wracking moment to some of you.…