What first comes to your mind when you think of summer? The scorching sun, sweaty skin or the melted make up face?
Living in this tropical weather in Malaysia, we always have to deal with the HEAT. Along with the heat comes the melted make up face, and ain’t nobody got time for that! We feel you ladies, and we are guiding you on how to sweat-proof your make up. From how you prep your skin to the setting sprays you use to lock everything into place, you will want to jot down all of these necessities.
Some of you might be asking: Does primer actually make a difference? To be honest, yesssss. It’s a base before foundation and it helps your foundation go on smooth and stay in place throughout the day.
Hands down the best oil-control primer out there on the market. Girls with oily skin, this is for you. Watery texture, but it keeps your skin matte and no more cakey foundation! We can’t seem to find their international website, but it is available at iPrice Malaysia, Sasa, Lazada and Amazon.
It’s a makeup primer that’s specifically beneficial for oily and combination skin types, but according to the product reviews, some of them with normal-dry skin loves it too. Not only moisturizes and helps your foundation to glide on, but this primer also has little flecks of shimmer which helps to give your foundation a glow.
It’s in two shades: radiant yellow and radiant pink. Yellow is effective on deeper skin tones while pink for fairer skin tones. You can find it at M.A.C cosmetics stores or Sephora Malaysia.
One of the best primers for normal-dry skin! It’s a refreshing lightweight gel-cream with a fresh cucumber-like fragrance. It also enhances your complexion and hydrates your skin at the same time.
Foundation is such a personal thing, it isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea. Also it must suit your skin type (else you will look like an oily frying pan).
If you are looking for a long-lasting foundation that won’t break the bank, this is the one. It has two types: For normal/dry skin with SPF 20 and for combination/oily skin with SPF 15. It also comes with various shades and has medium coverage.
No matter you have normal or oily skin and looking for a silky and weightless foundation, this is something you need to try. Described by the brand, it’s a full coverage foundation that delivers a natural matte finish. It also helps to conceal redness and improves your complexion. How weightless is it? It feels like your second-skin, waterproof and sweat resistant. Sounds good. Perfect for hot weather!
It’s a foundation for all skin types and has 20 shades. Lightweight, full coverage, luminosity, last long for 16 hours with just one drop. And most importantly, humidity and sweat resistant!
Imagine if one eyeliner is not waterproof or sweat-resistant, oh no, everything is smudged. You get the picture, it’s horrible.
Best drugstore eyeliner ever. Besides waterproof, sweat and tears proof, this liquid eyeliner comes with a quick-dry formula to prevent smudges and smears. With the ultra-fine tip which is 0.1mm, it gives you total control to create precise lines and perfect flicks. Want more? It’s long-wearing and without the need of touch-ups!
Due to the long-lasting formula, this eye pencil will not smudge, crease or fade until you remove it.
Available in 20 shades, it features shades that range from everyday neutrals to bright pastel pops. For the everyday look, we recommend the shade #M10-matte black, #M14-matte charcoal grey, #S50-satiny taupe and #M60-matte dark brown.
How can someone with makeup live without setting powder or setting spray? Like what we’ve mentioned before, you need them to lock everything into place, especially in this blistering heat!
Ultra HD powder is a super high definition and weightless finishing powder that makes your skin look flawless. It’s now an essential step to create a smooth and airbrushed makeup look. This loose powder is perfect for every skin tones too, we really love how it blurs out all the skin’s imperfections.
This microfine loose powder balances all skin types to absorb oil and minimize the appearance of pores. It blends into any skin tone effortlessly and set your foundation into a breathable matte finish. If you have extremely oily skin, this is a lifesaver!
Source: Sephora’s official website
NYX setting spray is one of the makeup products that everyone raves about. But some of you might be having this question: What are the differences between matte and dewy? It depends on your skin type. If you have oily skin, we would not recommend the dewy spray. If your skin is normal or dry, stay away from the matte.
Listen, this spray gives your makeup a serious staying power without melting and fading. Unlike similar products on the market, this spray has microfine mist that goes on light and weightless until you hardly feel it.
In case if you are still afraid of the heat and sweats even after applying all the sweat-proof and long-lasting makeup products, bring along oil control film to remove excess oil and stickiness instantly. Keep your skin fresh and clean!
That’s it for the guides. Also, stay indoors to avoid the scorching sun. Hope our picks of these sweat-proof beauty products are helpful!
曼谷,这座融合了繁华与烟火气的城市,总能用美食俘获每位旅人的胃。从街头巷尾飘出的香气,到隐藏在小巷中的美食秘境,每一口都充满惊喜。2025年的全新小食地图,将带你探索那些不能错过的曼谷风味——从绵密流心蛋打抛饭的辛香滋味,到一口黄油冰面包的清甜满足,无论是初次造访还是回味再三,这些「神级小食店」都值得你打卡品尝! 2025曼谷必吃神级小食店推荐:Phed Mark 以泰国经典的打抛饭闻名的 Phed Mark,是一群美食博主与名厨联合打造的小店。他们家的流心蛋打抛饭是一绝,肉末香辣带劲,搭配半熟蛋液流淌在米饭上,每一口都是辛香与柔滑的完美结合。店铺风格简约现代,充满泰式街头小吃的浓郁氛围,是品尝地道泰国风味的不二选择。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoL1PUIvcrh/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CjSJI_Dribo/ https://www.instagram.com/p/C-me_O7P-cZ/ Info. Phed Mark 地址:300 Sukhumvit Rd,…
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年末到了,是时候犒赏一下自己了!如果你也想迎接一个焕然一新的自己,那就不能错过Euphie Skin Solutions的奢华面部护理体验!新年特惠(即日起至2025年2月12日),只需RM188即可享受任一项奢华护理,还附赠一次Nano Cold Jet疗程!整个护理过程长达90分钟,帮你轻松实现颜值逆袭,焕发健康光彩。赶快预订,焕新自己,迎接2025! 顶尖美容科技,量身定制你的完美护理 作为新加坡知名医美集团SL Aesthetic Group的一员,Euphie Skin Solutions拥有顶尖的美容科技和个性化护理方案。无论你是想要对抗肌肤衰老、淡化细纹,还是改善肤色不均,这里都有专业的疗程为你量身定制!每个护理环节都经过精心设计,力求让每一位顾客都能收获最贴合自己需求的护理体验,效果自然超出预期! 三大明星护理项目,全方位焕肤体验 Euphie Skin Solutions推出的三大明星护理疗程,简直就是肌肤的“私人医生”!不管你是暗沉肌、敏感肌,还是痘痘肌,都能找到完美解决方案~快来看看哪个项目最适合你吧!…
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