Remember when we were still a makeup beginner, we always have difficulties in choosing the perfect eye shadow palette. And the first palette we bought always the one be so patchy and poorly pigmented. (not only happened on me right??)
There are a few factors we need to consider when choosing an eye shadow palette: shades and tones, texture, the way it blends, pigmentation, size of glitter and how smudge-proof the formulas are. The problem is, with new eye shadow palettes hitting the market at lightning speed, knowing which ones are worth their weight in gold is not an easy task. And we are here to help you out. We’ve listed some high pigmented and budget-friendly eye shadow palettes from 5 different brands.
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When it comes to the keywords “high pigmented” and “budget-friendly” for eye shadow palette, ColourPop most probably the first thing that pops into your head. Undeniable it is! Not only has high pigmentation, but very wearable, easy to blend and gives a matte, metallic and glitter finish. We personally recommend you the palette #SHE, #SweetTalk, #CaliforniaLove & #GiveItToMeStraight. To purchase ColourPop in Malaysia, you either buy it straight from the official website or from others like Shopee, RYS Malaysia and iPrice.
Cost USD16 at the official website, which is around RM68.
Cost USD18 at the official website, which is around RM76.
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Cost USD18 at the official website, which is around RM76.
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Cost USD16 at the official website, which is around RM68.
For those looking for killer makeup without killing their wallet, Morphe is for you. Not only inexpensive, but their eye shadows are crazy creamy, powerfully pigmented and beyond blendable. Too many adjective verbs? But hey, we are not exaggerating it!
For the beginners, we recommend you 9A Always Golden Artistry Palette. It gives you a matte and shimmer finish and it’s the perfect small earth neutrals palette, which is best for an everyday makeup look. It costs USD12 at Morphe’s official website (which is around RM50). You can purchase it through their official website, Lazada, Beautyspot or RYS Malaysia.
Another must-have palette from Morphe is the 35os Nature Glow Shimmer Artistry Palette and it has a shimmer finish. A total of 35 shades in shimmery colours, filled with warm golden and bronze shades, fiery sunsets and glowing highlight colours. It costs USD25 at Morphe’s official website (which is around RM105). You can purchase it through their official website, Lazada, Beautyspot or RYS Malaysia.
CLIO Cosmetics is a Korean brand which famous for creating high coverage and long-lasting makeup products. Their Pro Eye Palette series is a combination of daily colours from the base colour to bright colours and make your daily makeup look special with minimal fallout and high colour payoff. The series includes #SimplyPink for a pinky-peach look, #BrownChoux in warm tones and #CoralTalk for a glowy coral makeup.
What’s more to say when we all already knew that 3CE is one of the most famous brands in the K-beauty industry? Today we are introducing you to the mood recipe multi eye color palette which is one of the 3CE eye shadow series, featuring #BeachMuse, #Overtake, #PlotTwist and #Smoother. It costs USD38 per palette at the official website which is around RM160, and you are able to find them at Sephora, iPrice, Hermo, and Lazada.
From matte bases to glamorous glitter, #BeachMuse is a pink and peach eyeshadow palette to create a truly romantic and lovely eye makeup look.
#Overtake features mature pinkish brown shades and has the most wearable 9 shades, which is perfect for your everyday makeup.
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#PlotTwist consists of sweet peanut brown shades. Not only creates a very sweet eye makeup look, with this palette you are able to create a bold smoky eye makeup too.
#Smoother has a range of shades from nude to dark brown. Nothing too much, best for the elegant lady-like look.
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The price of the eye shadow palette from Ciaté London is a little bit higher but to be honest their palettes worth to be hyped! We recommend the #GlitterStorm eye shadow palette with 9 wearable shades, featuring a mix of matte, metallic and glitter shades. We are not joking, it’s intensely pigmented and with the innovative fallout-free glitter formula, it’s so much easier to achieve dazzling looks. Also, they have truly beautiful packaging! (You are able to find this palette at Sephora with RM190.)
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随着2025年的到来,新一年的生肖幸运色也已经揭晓!根据十二生肖的命理与色彩学,每个人都有属于自己的幸运色,它不仅能够提升运势,更能让你的穿搭充满时尚感!无论你是想增添财运、健康运,还是提升自信魅力,一起来看看最适合你的生肖幸运色穿搭吧! 十二生肖幸运色穿搭:鼠|蓝色 2025年,属鼠的朋友适合以蓝色、白色和银色为主色调。可以选择一件简约的蓝色开衫搭配白色连衣裙,清新又有活力;或者试试银色饰品,如耳环或手链,为整体造型增添一抹未来感。特别推荐蓝色针织毛衣,既温暖又时髦。 十二生肖幸运色穿搭:牛|黄色 属牛的幸运色是黄色,这正是能带来阳光般能量的颜色。你可以尝试奶油黄色系的单品作为点缀,让整体穿搭更有清新自然感。如果觉得大面积黄色过于抢眼,不妨选择黄色配件,比如鞋子或围巾,细节中流露幸运气息。 十二生肖幸运色穿搭:虎|橙色 虎年出生的你,橙色是今年的关键色。橙色的球鞋、包包都是不错的选择,能够让你在人群中脱颖而出。橙色还能展现你的冒险精神和乐观态度。 十二生肖幸运色穿搭:兔|绿色 对于属兔的朋友,绿色不仅象征着生机和成长,更能带来好运与平和的心境。建议选择一件墨绿色的风衣或薄荷绿色衬衫,既低调又不失优雅。再搭配一双白色运动鞋,完美展现你的清新风格。 十二生肖幸运色穿搭:龙|红色 属龙的朋友,今年的幸运色是热情洋溢的红色。尤其今年大火的安可拉红穿搭更是可以直接套在身上!红色还象征着好运与活力,让你的每一天都充满正能量!…