
Top 10 Beauty Picks From Sephora Malaysia That Worth Their Weight In Gold

Shopping at Sephora is a tricky business. One second you have your new eye shadow palette on hand, then the next second, a bag full of the new beauty products waiting for check out.

For the beginners, questions like “what should I buy?” or “Is this worth a try?” most probably the first thing that pops into your head. Undeniable, Sephora is beauty heaven which you can stay up for hours and having cup noodles for the next day on. With thousands of beauty products on the shelf, we are here helping you to filter out the top 10 beauty picks from Sephora Malaysia that worth their weight in gold. Let’s get started!


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Tarte Shape Tape Contour Concealer / RM120

Full coverage, girls. It has full coverage to cover all the imperfections and can double used as a contour/highlighter. It has a creamy texture and easy-to-blend formula which prevents your makeup from creasing.

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Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick / RM83

It’s a matte liquid lipstick with long-lasting, high pigmented, and lightweight texture which it dries to a true matte finish that feels weightless all day long.

With a total of 42 shades available, we love the shade #Lolita, #Lolita II, #Outlaw, and #Saint.



Kat Von D Tattoo Liner / RM93

It’s not “just another black liner” but a liquid eyeliner with an ultra-precise brush tip to create the perfect and iconic cat-eye or any shape you want. Available in two shades, which are #Trooper, the satin black, and #MadMaxBrown, the rich chocolate brown. On a side note, it is smudge-resistant and the perfect makeup tool for both beginners or pros.

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Urban Decay Naked Heat Eyeshadow Palette / Petite – RM149 / Standard – RM245

There must be some reasons why everyone is buying this palette. With the velvety formula and ultimate staying power, you will love how wonderful and wearable it is. From burnt orange to sienna and glimmering copper, Urban Decay Naked Heat Eyeshadow Palette comes with the petite and standard sized.

The petite-sized palette contains 6 eyeshadows with a full-sized mirror.

The standard one contains 12 eyeshadows with a full-sized mirror and a double-ended brush.

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Fenty Beauty Killawatt Freestyle Highlighter Duo / RM155

How can you not buy Fenty Beauty’s products while shopping at Sephora? Also one of the best-selling products at Fenty Beauty, the Killawatt Freestyle Highlighter Duo is truly, incredibly lit! Use it on any parts of your face like eyes, nose bridge, cheeks, and collarbone. Just a swipe and it works a lot. They have a smooth, soft, and buttery texture, shimmery but not over-sparkly. It looks great in natural lighting, especially when the sun hits your face!

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Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation / RM145

To those who have combination and oily skin, this foundation will change your world. It’s a soft matte, long-wear foundation with medium to full coverage which resistant to oil, sweat, and humidity. Available in a range of 50 shades, there’s finally no colour difference for the face and neck!

Dior Backstage Eye Palette / RM202

According to the brand, it is inspired by the energy backstage at the runway shows and makeup artist essentials. Available in shade #001-Warm Neutrals, #002-Cool Neutrals, and #003-Amber Neutrals, they are suitable for all skin tones with long-wearing yet richly pigmented!




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Beauty Blender Original / RM99

The best beauty tool on applying foundation! The edgeless shape blurs out all the imperfections for a seamless finish so your makeup won’t look cakey or fake. And most importantly, it’s reusable!

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask / RM70

Apply it on lips before bed, by injecting your dry lips with intense hydration overnight, the sweet fragrance formula will remove dead skin cells while infusing lips with berry extracts. Be ready for smooth lips when you wake up the next morning!

Mount Lai De-Puffing Jade Facial Roller / RM145

Not sure have you seen this before, it’s a face roller that has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin to make your skin looks fresh and healthy instead of looking tired. It helps reduce the appearance of puffiness, fine lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness and elasticity.

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