


超仙气爆浆甜品!DreamzBakery 的 Lava Monster Cookies 绝对是少女心喷发的源点!
甜品爱好者不要太激动!Dreamz Bakery Lava Monster Cookies 除了妥妥的满足各位小仙女的甜品胃以…

慢悠悠游槟城,向爆炸行程say no,chill玩槟城让你和旅伴多一点quality time
如果想要在国内旅行来个cuti-cuti malaysia的话,槟城真的是一个很棒的选择!好吃的当然不在话下…

Top 10 Beauty Picks From Sephora Malaysia That Worth Their Weight In Gold
Shopping at Sephora is a tricky business. One second you have your new eye shadow palette on hand, then the next second, a bag full of the new beauty products waiting…

人气时尚博主Irene Kim自创时装品牌,每一套穿在身上秒变行走的独角兽!


People & Outfits: Brittany Xavier, The Way She Styles The Blazer Is A Key Trick To Know
It’s not a secret anymore, it’s official! If you think that styling a blazer is boring and it’s only for the formal occasions, you probably live in the past decades.…

The Famous Fashion Blogger, Aimee Song Shows You 9 Fresh Ways To Style A White Shirt
When we are required to dress “formal”, the white button-down shirt most probably the first fashion piece that pops into our head. Undeniable, white button-down…