Remember we just talked about Moonshot’s Cream Paint LightFit series in our previous article? And now Moonshot just released their latest collection, Rêve de Paris which is inspired by the Parisian, includes an eye shadow palette and Stick Extreme Pro lipsticks in total 6 shades!
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According to Moonshot Malaysia, they are having a limited offer starts from 27/9/2019 at Preorder the Rêve de Paris bundle set which consists of one eyeshadow palette and one Rêve de Paris Stick Extreme Pro lipstick (on your own preference) for RM199 only (worth RM226). Also, the first 100 customers will receive a limited edition Moonshot Eco Bag for free!
Before you place your order, let us introduce to you what’s good in the collection!
With a total of 10 colours in one palette ranging from pink to brown, the French-inspired shadow palette brings an elegant vibe for your makeup look and it’s designed in the perfect size for your pouch.
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It has a soft texture with double coated powder, which reduces the flying powder and is gently adheres to it. Just a single swipe on your eyelids, and you’ll be surprised at how high pigmented it is!
First thing first, high pigmented and long-lasting are the keys. With a total of 6 different shades that are all appropriate for your daily routine, each lipstick has a smooth texture and velvet-matte finish.
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#601 SEINE
The Seine is a romantic nude rose that gives you the natural lip look. It’s the safest and perfect shade that will look good on everyone.
Chai Tea is an orange-brown with a warm undertone, which works really well on a fairer skin tone.
Rose Bonbon is a pink-red shade, which is slightly toned-up than #601.
Urban Mauve is a mauve pink infused with dried rose and a drop of plum light.
In The City is a maple burgundy, perfect shade to welcome the Autumn.
Moulin Rouge is a chili red, the all-time classic and confidence booster!
As we’ve mentioned before, you can join their limited offer and place your order through or visit their outlets at Pavilion, Sunway Pyramid, 1Utama, Penang Gurney Plaza and Ipoh Parade. Be quick girls!
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